Dr. Mary is an internationally recognized parent educator, and best-selling author with over one million books in print. Her work has been translated into 24 languages. She holds a Doctorate in Education focusing her research on spirited infants and children, sleep, and family systems. She also graduated with honors with a Master’s Degree in Family Social Science and a Bachelor’s Degree in Child Development and Early Childhood Education.
Now she is delighted to announce the publication of her new book, Raising Your Spirited Baby: A Breakthrough Guide to Thriving When Your Baby is MORE... Alert and Intense and Struggles to Sleep. (See my 90 second, announcement video)
It joins her previous best sellers Raising Your Spirited Child, now in its third edition, Kids, Parents and Power Struggles, Sleepless in America, Is Your Child Misbehaving or Missing Sleep and The Raising Your Spirited Child Workbook. All can be purchased from local bookstores and on-line at Amazon.
Raising Your Spirited Baby is a gentle and encouraging guide to communicating with and supporting your baby. If you have ever been told or considered your baby to be "fussy" or "high need", this is a must have book for you. It is helpful to all parents. You will love this breakthrough guide to thriving with your baby. It respects and cares for both of you. You are not alone!
Licensed as a parent educator by the State of Minnesota, Dr. Mary’s has been providing parents private behavior and sleep consultations, teaching classes and keynoting conferences for over 35 years. Her “progress not perfection” philosophy and practical parent-tested approach have soundly stood the test of time and helped millions of families thrive.
Dr. Mary’s work has also been recognized by national and international media sources. She has been a guest and contributor to Good Morning America, Good Morning Canada, The New York Times, Parents Magazine, USA weekend, Working Mother and American Baby to name just a few.